DMC tool

Daniels Productions is considered the leading aerospace tool manufacturing company with at least five generations of tools. The products are used in every area of the defense system. With more than 50 years of manufacturing experience, DMC is one of the top tool manufacturers in the aerospace tool manufacturing industry. DMC's products are used in a wide range of defense systems, aerospace engineering, land and sea transportation systems, space exploration programs and many other product-support activities. In civil aviation, the DMC is known for its wire clamping pliers. DMC wire clamping tool is a very complete system, from tools to accessories and product testing and maintenance, integration.
Main Products:
1) Crimping tool
Such as: Manual M22520/1-01 (AF8), M22520/2-01 (AFM8), M22520/5-01 (HX4), M22520/7-01 (MH860), MH800, GMT232 (AD1377) Pneumatic WA22,WA27F, M22520/23-01 (W A23) Series isopcrimp tools, associated positioners and die, M22520/1-02 (TH1A), M22520/1-04 (TH163), M22520/1-05 (UH2-5),M22520/2-02(K1S), M22520/2-07 (K40), M22520/2-09 (K42), M22520/2-10 (K 43), M22520/2-37, Y200P, Y196, Y152, Y197, Y196, etc.
2) M81969 (DRK, DAK) series delivery tools
Such as: M81969/14-01, M81969/14-02, M81969/14-03, M81969/14-05, M81969/14-06, M81969/14-07, M81969/14-08, M81969/14-09, M81969/14-10, M81 969/14-11, M81969/14-12, M81969/14-13, M81969/14-14, etc.
3) Tension tester
For example: MPT250B, PT150, HPT250
4) Retention tester
HT250-2, HT250-3, HT250-4, HT250-5, HT250-6, 68-026-01, 67-026-01, 68-023-01, 67-023-01, 67-022-01, 67-022-01, 68-020-01, 67-016-01, 68-016-01, 67-016-01

Recommend information

  • DMC tool maintenance

    DMC tool maintenance

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    What is the 1553b bus?

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Fax: 010-80700802-808Fax: 010-80700802-808

Address: 3-2-201, Licheng Apartment, No. 185, Baigezhuang, Dingsi Road, Changping District, BeijingAddress: 3-2-201, Licheng Apartment, No. 185, Baigezhuang, Dingsi Road, Changping District, Beijing

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